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Paintings Exhibition
NLB Tutunska Banka


City Hall - Skopje 


Cinematheque of Macedonia - Skopje 


National Ohrid Museum,  Robevci House - Ohrid


Dom na ARM - Skopje

The title, ''Naked’’, does not refer to material nudity or our naked body. It refers the spiritual in us, which we suppose to look for, much deeper in us. Turned outwards to the world and our environment and searching for the one to blame, or looking for answer to many questions, desires and spiritual hunger, in something external, leads to suffocation and self-hypnosis on the inner ‘’our-self’’.

The exhibition is created, so that, all the walls in the exhibition space have attached paintings with woman nudes, while in the middle of the room is placed a black box which is closed and have small hole through which you can see a woman with higher moral values ​​than all other females around it. This box and the painting in it symbolize our inner spiritual value, to which we need to look.

Although there are represented female nudes, the essence should not be search for, in the “immoral girls”, and how they should look deeper into them. On the contrary, the project relates to all of us, surrounded with too much battle for material power, and is reminding that we should seek a higher value in ourselves, which is eternal, infinite, timeless. The representation of female nudity is chosen not by chance, because the woman since prehistoric times is a symbol of matter and Earth as the mother of all that is physical matter.


                                                                         Goce Ilievski

YIN, yang
Cafe Gallery 8 - Skopje


Exhibition in the Macedonian Embassy - Vienna


Exhibition in Art Room, Merikon - Vienna


MKC (Youth Cultural Center) - Skopje

His first solo exhibition which is held in the gallery of the Youth Cultural Center, the young artist conceived as a series of portraits of unknown people whose pictures he served as a starting point for realizing the idea of ​​a visual representation of their different psychological expressions that are readable on their faces . Setting it in the center of the exhibition display image with the largest size (140 x 210 cm), with a representation of the character with discreet sense and expression, the author sets the symmetry behind which, in opposite directions are arranged portraits with various forms of expressed emotion. On one side there are mixed positive features of the characters such as joy, contentment, tranquility, while on the other side with emphasized, negative emotions of jealousy, anger, cynicism. This gallery of portraits reminds us of the existence of a genre of painting which is supplant and marginalized by the wide use of photograph.
Choosing the portrait as one of the most important artistic motifs in art, the painter had intended to call attention to his artistic attitude, based on aesthetic values ​​that for centuries has inspired the famous masters of painting and who find him a worthy successor of the younger generation.

                                                     Zorica Lojpur Gerard


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